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Since 2012

How We Got Started

     Our Story     

We started our family business in 2012, having seen personally the incredible healing properties of the miracle enzyme Serrapeptase. We also noticed how prohibitively expensive it was! So we scoured the globe looking for affordable quality Serrapeptase. This was as much to make it available to friends and family as it was to bring it to the general public. Nonetheless, having sourced a top-drawer product at a sensible price, we soon realised that our brand of "Serra" was a winner! Customers came flying in from all over the world, every part of Europe, North and South America, Russia and even Australia.


After more than three years of focussing on Serrapeptase we slowly introduced more products to our catalogue, but only products that we knew really worked. We will always be open to suggestions from our customers. So if there is a product that you would like us to consider, please get in touch.


As a family over the last 20 years we have established two award winning businesses and helped others start many more. Throughout this time, our experience is that customer satisfaction is priceless.


Our aim is to deliver, to your door, quality products manufactured here in the UK that you are completely happy with.

Vitacure Ltd.

Greenhey Place




0151 526 5678

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